2015-11-19 · 在众筹活动中,UsBidi在短短29天便获得了超过2.5万人支持、32万美元的资金,其最终零售价为32美元(约合人民币205元),将于2016年2月出货。

Download Linux VPN client Surfshark. Enjoy secure, and reliable privacy. I thought I found a Cisco Anyconnect VPN client for Linux a couple of weeks ago and there is a link to a page to get one in the official download/install documents but it just takes you to the windows/mac download page which is kind of annoying. I wonder if they just didn't have enough usage to make it worthwhile to maintain. This release also fixes a security issue (CVE-2020-11810, trac #1272) which allows disrupting service of a freshly connected client that has not yet not negotiated session keys. The vulnerability cannot be used to inject or steal VPN traffic. Hamachi for Linux. LogMeIn Hamachi for Linux is a secure VPN client for Linux that offers connectivity to your resources from dispersed environments. Unlike Hamachi for Windows/Mac, the Linux client uses the command line and offers a relatively limited set of features. For details, check the Hamachi User Guide. Hamachi for Linux (x86/x64) Our VPN client is a lightweight application, running in the background on your computer as a service or daemon, that enables you to make a secure VPN connection to your devices from within your web browser. The VPN client is available for the following operating systems: Windows; macOS; Linux; Windows

Download VPN client for any operating system: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and more. Compatible with computers, smartphones, routers and even gaming consoles.

I thought I found a Cisco Anyconnect VPN client for Linux a couple of weeks ago and there is a link to a page to get one in the official download/install documents but it just takes you to the windows/mac download page which is kind of annoying. I wonder if they just didn't have enough usage to make it worthwhile to maintain. This release also fixes a security issue (CVE-2020-11810, trac #1272) which allows disrupting service of a freshly connected client that has not yet not negotiated session keys. The vulnerability cannot be used to inject or steal VPN traffic. Hamachi for Linux. LogMeIn Hamachi for Linux is a secure VPN client for Linux that offers connectivity to your resources from dispersed environments. Unlike Hamachi for Windows/Mac, the Linux client uses the command line and offers a relatively limited set of features. For details, check the Hamachi User Guide. Hamachi for Linux (x86/x64)

2020-7-7 · Dashboard

2019-12-2 · 中国政府は、合理的な手段を用いてインターネット上の違法な情報の伝播をくいとめることを主張する。インターネットの特性に基づき、効果的なインターネット管理の実際の需要から出発し、中国政府は関連の法律・法規に基づき、国際的な慣例にしたがうやり方を参考にしながら、技術的な 玩转双系统 给你一些折腾平板电脑的理由 - … 2016-3-3 · 前两天小编在库房踅摸了半天,发现了一台值得玩玩的平板,而且是双系统的Core M平板,小编折腾的欲望顿时上来了,这不是摆明了要让小编开动一