However, there are no servers in Hong Kong, Turkey or Russia. CyberGhost does offer specialised servers for such as streaming and torrenting, which means finding the perfect server is easy. Hotspot Shield doesn’t fare as well as its competitor in regards to the number of servers offered and countries supported.
However, there are no servers in Hong Kong, Turkey or Russia. CyberGhost does offer specialised servers for such as streaming and torrenting, which means finding the perfect server is easy. Hotspot Shield doesn’t fare as well as its competitor in regards to the number of servers offered and countries supported. Cyberghost is regarded as one of the best in the world, combining fast speeds, a simple interface, and top-tier encryption into a fairly priced service. Hotspot Shield is a free VPN with a paid upgrade that removed bandwidth limits, offers 128-bit encryption, and a proprietary Catapult Hydra protocol option. If you want to get a convenient way to learn which VPN Services product is better, our unique method gives CyberGhost a score of 9.2 and Hotspot Shield a score of 8.9 for general quality and performance. In addition, CyberGhost is rated at 97%, while Hotspot Shield is rated 100% for their user satisfaction level. CyberGhost uses the best protocols on the market, including OpenVPN, L2TP/IPsec, and IKEv2. Hotspot Shield utilizes its proprietary protocol called Catapult Hydra. Performance & Reliability. Over 4,600 CyberGhost servers are located in 60+ world countries. With CyberGhost, you can enjoy unlimited bandwidth and traffic. Compare CyberGhost VPN vs NordVPN vs Hotspot Shield vs ExpressVPN 2020 (15 votes, average: 4.87 out of 5) CyberGhost: Strong Encryption with No-Log Policy
Hotspot Shield is a popular VPN service with over 650 million users and multiple servers in 55+ countries. In fact, the website claims it is the #1 grossing app for productivity in the US App Store. (When we checked the App Store source, it actually indicated #8, which is still an impressive ranking.)
Hotspot Shield tidak terlalu terbuka tentang hal ini, sedangkan Cyberghost (sebelumnya Romania) baru-baru ini sudah diakuisisi oleh sebuah perusahaan Israel. Meskipun ini membangkitkan sedikit keprihatinan terhadap keramahan negara ini pada VPN, hal mendongkrak lebih jauh lagi dengan keterbukaan perusahaan. Hotspot Shield nu este foarte deschis în privința acestui fapt, în timp ce Cyberghost (anterior având sediul în România) a fost recent achiziționat de o companie israeliană. În timp ce ridică unele preocupări legate de prietenia țării cu VPN-urile, acest lucru este atenuat în cea mai mare măsură de deschiderea companiei.
Disse to VPN udbydere er nemme at skelne fra hinanden, end andre. Men, begge har nogle brugerbekymringer relateret til deres oprindelsesland. Hotspot Shield er ikke særlig åben omkring dette, mens Cyberghost (tidligere fra Rumænien) er blevet opkøbt af et israelsk firma.
CyberGhost VPN vs Hotspot Shield Comparare de performanță, caracteristici și prețuri. Nu ține log-uri, deblochează Netflix cel mai bine și este cel mai rapid. L-am testat și am aflat.