Mar 17, 2016
How do I permanently delete my Facebook account You won't be able to use Facebook Login for other apps you may have signed up for with your Facebook account, like Spotify or Pinterest. You may need to contact the apps and websites to recover those accounts. Some information, like messages you sent to friends, may still be visible to them after you delete your account. How to Permanently Delete a Facebook Account: 6 Steps Oct 03, 2019
Dec 19, 2018
To permanently delete your account, go to this page. To deactivate your account, go here . Just be warned, Facebook uses a weird combination of psychology and desperation to try and prevent you
How to delete your Facebook account, once and for all - CNET
Delete Facebook: How to delete a Facebook account permanently Jan 29, 2020 Delete Facebook. Permanent Account Deletion. How to permanently delete a Facebook account. Here is the shortcut link to the official Facebook account deletion page.. A deceased member's account can be memorialized or removed.. Delete Facebook Share #StopHateForProfit. Facebook launders toxicity. Here's how to deactivate or permanently delete your