May 19, 2013

Your ISP Can Track you & See Browsing History. Here's How Dec 20, 2018 Can WiFi Provider See Your Browsing History? | LimeVPN If you use someone’s WiFi, can they see your history?This is the hard truth: unless you direct your internet traffic through a VPN, the WiFi admin can see your browsing history.As a matter of fact, with the right tools, the WiFi provider can see your browsing history and a lot of things on top of that. Protecting your browsing history: Here's what you can do

How does a website or advertisement know where I am?

Can my employer (who controls the network) see what websites I visit, what emails I send, my IM messages, what Spotify songs I listen to, etc? What are they able to see? Does it matter if I use my own computer, or one provided for me by my employer? Does it matter what programs I use, or what websites I visit?

Protecting your browsing history: Here's what you can do

Aug 16, 2017 3 Ways to Browse Internet Websites Without Your Parents Jun 06, 2020 Can My ISP See I'm Using a VPN? - Ask Leo! Sep 13, 2018